Digital Impact – Manage-to-Value

Do you want to realize stable rents and top returns in the future? Then now is the time to analyze the potential of an asset or an entire portfolio and derive concrete measures from it. Because doing nothing quickly leads to "stranded assets".

How sustainable and stable in value a portfolio is depends on how well it meets the triad of requirements for sustainability, digitalization and the users.

> Sustainability is not only relevant for ESG compliance, but also for branding and market positioning.

> Digitalization of buildings improves technical building operation and increases user comfort.

> Users place high demands on attractive spaces. These have a lasting impact on corporate culture and market perception.

Let's take a look together at concrete solutions for these current challenges:

In the webinar "Manage-to-Value" on July 7, 2023 from 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm.

To register, please click here

We look forward to your participation!