
New video: With BIM for a start-to-finish victory

What do a racing driver and a project manager need to reach the finish line faster and more sustainably? This question is answered in the new video "With BIM to start-to-finish victory" and shows that there are many parallels between construction projects and motor racing.   

This is because the latest technologies combined with experience and agility are required both in motor racing and in the planning, implementation and operation of complex construction projects. Both clients and racing drivers need an interdisciplinary team behind them that knows the strategy and not only observes, but also lends a hand when it counts.  

Managing digital information is the key to success, as it provides the basis for well-founded decisions. Being innovative, changing things and achieving sustainability goals step by step - this works best in construction projects with Building Information Modelling (BIM). 

The new video "With BIM to start-to-finish victory" shows the success factors in construction projects and our "FORMULA i": information-based consulting, planning, construction and operation. 

An AI-generated voice is used in keeping with the theme of digitalisation.