
Pretzels, Robodog and innovative spirit: Drees & Sommer meets Bits & Pretzels

A stylish welcome with pretzels, a total of around 50 participants and even Robodog "Spot" mingled with the guests: the Bits & Pretzels side event at Drees & Sommer's New Work Hub in Munich was a complete success. In addition to plenty of space for inspiration and exchange, the guests were given exclusive insights into the world of innovations and start-ups.

Moritz Foerster from TechFounders and UnternehmerTUM kicked off with two inspiring impulses on the collaboration between corporates and start-ups and Alexander Strub on the importance of the office as a brand touchpoint and flagship store.

Afterwards, Martin Pietzonka, Moritz Foerster, Bernhard Schambeck from BMW Startup Garage , Linda Mayr from Planstack and Andreas Stieglbauer discussed the topics of ecosystems, tech trends, collaboration in innovation and spaces as enablers for successful innovation and collaboration in the panel discussion.

The key take-away of the event:

  • The cooperation between corporates and start-ups offers a win-win situation.
  • All successful corporates work with startups, especially to expand the tech stack; for example, Apple and FaceID, which was largely developed by an Israeli startup.
  • Different innovation formats such as events, scouting, incubation, acceleration and venture building can be used to keep the level of innovation in companies high. The important thing is to first set concrete goals and then derive the appropriate innovation mix.
  • An exchange between innovation drivers from different sectors makes a lot of sense; the major topics that the construction and real estate industries are dealing with in the field of innovation are also on the agenda of other sectors such as automotive.
  • What do start-ups want from corporates? The courage to make mistakesand a clear question to be solved.

Führungen durch den New Work Hub, Demos neuster Lösungen von reINVENT , abaut GmbH , Madaster Germany, SUSHI BIKES in der Startup-Area und gemeinsames Networking rundeten den Abend ab.