Hotel Complexes

Nobu Hotel, Riyadh, Saudi-Arabia

Additional value

  • Reactivated the Project
  • Reduced Cost
  • Reliable Project Timeline

Individual services

  • Project management
  • Advisory service
Hotel opening


Opening 2019, Nobu Hotel Riyadh, set in the heart of downtown Riyadh on King Fahd Road, will be one of the first luxury boutique hotels in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with 134 rooms and suites.

Guestroom design stands out for a contemporary look that artfully blends Nobu’s cutting-edge Japanese style with poetic references to Arabia.
Drees & Sommer was approached by the project owner mid of 2017 when there was only a very minor progress on site and the project was far behind schedule. Drees & Sommer started with their project management and advisory services in October 2017 and conducted a detailed project analysis first. After the main fit out contractor was terminated and a new, qualified contractor was involved the project was restarted successfully and is now progressing towards completion smoothly.
In addition to project management team, Drees & Sommer also involved their hospitality experts to ensure a smooth start of operation.