Reduction of maintenance deficits in the rail network
There is a huge backlog in the maintenance of the Swiss railway network. A steady expansion of the railway infrastructure combined with ever longer and heavier trains has led to an increasing load on the system components in recent years and therefore also to an increasing need for maintenance. The necessary projects and measures often have to be carried out during ongoing railway operations and in coordination with major projects. The complexity of maintenance is constantly increasing under these circumstances.
Rail infrastructure maintenance is the future
To ensure reliable rail transport, engineering structures, lines and stations must not only be built but also maintained:
- Ensuring the smoothest possible operation on the world's busiest rail network
- Carrying out major backlog measures in the maintenance of the rail network
- Increase in maintenance requirements due to the growing burden of expansion projects, rolling stock and timetables
- Scarcity of resources on the free market, especially due to the shortage of skilled labour
The tasks are complex and multi-layered. Solving them requires specific expertise with a great deal of knowledge about the rail network and its needs.
- We show you the paths that lead to the goal of your project.
- We have in-depth knowledge of the hydrogen and charging infrastructure in particular. We are experienced in setting up, planning and managing projects of all kinds.
- We are a reliable and competent partner.
- We focus on a sustainable concept when planning and building the infrastructure suitable for the new technology.
- We take a comprehensive view of your project and consider how you can network industries at the future location.
How we proceed
- Our approach is holistic - integrated: We form project organisations across different project phases with foresight. We prepare technical and economic feasibility studies. We provide proof of sustainability. We support our clients in developing buildable solutions.
- We rely on proven methods and tools for stakeholder analysis, digital project management, partnership models and agile lean management.
- The market is confusing and dynamic. We offer you engineering and client representation as a solution. This gives you a customised concept.
- We support your project team with complex tasks. In any case, we help you to ensure quality across all stages of a project: from tendering, evaluation, awarding and acceptance.
Your benefits
- An experienced and technically orientated company in the consulting sector supports and/or manages your project. They have all the expertise you need for the planning, realisation and operation of your projects.
- With in-depth knowledge from various sectors, we offer you the ability to think outside the box. We are familiar with all areas of large and small projects as well as building construction and infrastructure construction. This applies to national and international projects.
- We take a holistic approach to your projects: Together with you, your partners and suppliers, we look at the entire value chain.

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