© Heatherwick Studio
Quarters & Developments

Nottingham Broadmarsh, UK


Greater Broad Marsh Advisory Group, Nottingham City Council


Heatherwick Studio


80,940 square meter



Retail and office space

37,000 square meter

Residential units


Drees & Sommer, supported by EPEA Benelux,  worked with Heatherwicks studio on this strategic feasibility study for the revitalizing of a 20-acre site in the centre of Nottingham city.

The proposal includes retaining, reimagining and rewilding the derelict Broadmarsh shopping centre which was handed to Nottingham city council when the former owner of the centre went into administration at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The development draws on a major consultation conducted with residents of the city and would deliver 6,000 jobs, 37,000m2 of commercial and business space and 750 homes to the site.

Nottingham has positioned itself to be the first net zero city in the UK by 2028. Drees & Sommer worked with the project team to put urban mining and material re-use at the heart of the scheme, quantifying potential lifecycle carbon savings of between 45-70% compared to a standard demolition and new build approach. Through analyzing the existing materials on the site and assessing opportunities for retaining, reusing on and offsite and upcycling, Drees & Sommer unlocked the potential of a lifecycle approach for the client highlighting the potential for this project to be a truly inspiring example of urban regeneration through a circular economy.


  • Urban Mining & Circular Economy Strategy
  • Existing building material assessment
  • Masterplan Carbon Reduction potential
  • Material Recovery Plan