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From potential to practice - how well prepared is your company for working with AI?

Our AI Readiness Assessment can give you some insight

Artificial intelligence has been revolutionizing various industries for years now, and is bringing permanent changes to the way that organizations work. However, studies show that AI is currently used by only 13% of companies (ifo Institute, 2023), despite the many opportunities that have been created through its use.

Which challenges do you come up against when handling AI, and how fully is AI integrated into your day-to-day working life?

Companies face a variety of challenges in their interactions with Artificial Intelligence, with issues such as:

Data quality, data protection and security, a lack of appropriately skilled workers, and integration into existing systems, all requiring meticulous planning and ongoing adjustments.

They are also faced with the challenging tasks of breaking down existing structures and creating new infrastructure, as well as inspiring employees and raising their awareness of AI.

It's clear that AI is no longer some kind of minor future trend that companies can choose to adopt or ignore for now. Instead, AI is going to change our industry and our working lives and patterns in ways we can't even imagine yet.

So, if I'm acting on behalf of my organization, how do I find out where we stand today in terms of using AI, where the possible weak points might be, and what would be our most sensible next steps? 

Take a closer look at the future with Drees & Sommer

Drees & Sommer can offer you an AI Readiness Assessment, which could make things clearer:

Use our questionnaire to find out how ready your organization is, to interact with AI. We can examine your previous use of Artificial Intelligence, and look at your structures and goals, and the added value for your company. Our experts will use your answers as the basis for assessing your development level.

Go to AI Readiness Assessment

The results are in - what next? Here's how we can support you:

Whether you're a complete beginner or an AI expert, we'll analyze your opportunities, your weaknesses and your potential. Based on your existing situation, you'll find out what steps you can take next, to implement AI successfully and make any current AI projects more effective. If you wish, we can advise you individually on your digitalization strategy and support you on the path to digital transformation, as a fundamental requirement for being able to leverage any of the potential of AI at all.

Our services include:


    Aanalyzing results from the AI Readiness Assessments   



    Raising awareness within your company (innovation days, workshops, keynote speeches, Ideathons, etc.) 



    Management of requirements for AI pilot projects



    Development of a digital strategy, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence


Why should you take action?

Even though the first steps may not be easy, there are long-term benefits for companies in using Artificial Intelligence and consequently securing their market position.


Your added value at a glance:

  • Within your organization, AI will increase efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks and giving employees more time for strategic tasks
  • Decision-making will be improved by using precise data analysis and well-founded predictions
  • Artificial intelligence offers an opportunity to reduce operating costs, by optimization of processes and use of resources
  • Implementing AI can foster innovation and identify new business models 

These are just a few of many benefits that could become available to your company through use of Artificial Intelligence.


Take the AI Readiness Assessment now or get in touch with our team of experts.