This will also make the construction and real estate sector significantly more productive, irrespective of whether the buildings are hightech or lowtech. Even in 2030, we humans will still make our own decisions. However, intelligent data processing systems will support us in various processes – from financing and planning through to the building site. AI will learn from existing plans and revolutionize the planning process. Calcu lating the ideal shape and volume of a building for an empty city center plot, or the perfect ventilation or sprinkler grid for a building – these are examples of where AI will carry out planning tasks for us in the future. The human contribution will change.
We will still develop new ideas, and even do so to a greater extent, and we will improve computer planning further – in what could be called humanaided computer design. Real robots will support the workers on the building site by performing specific activities for them.
Everyday work will change drastically. People will focus on new fields of work, whereas AI technologies and robots will support them by carrying out conventional tasks.
According to Moore’s Law, the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years. This means that it grows exponentially.