· Frankfurt am Main, Germany

New Research

Research is undergoing radical change due to new technologies and social developments. It is becoming increasingly clear that developments and innovations require greater inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation - as well as a suitable infrastructure, for example in terms of IT equipment for rooms and workplaces. But what will tomorrow's research look like? What trends, opportunities and challenges do public and private research institutions face? How is artificial intelligence (AI) already transforming the everyday lives of researchers today? 

We want to discuss these and other questions together with experts from education, science and research as well as decision-makers from research institutions and innovative companies that operate major research and development centres themselves. 

To this end, we cordially invite you to the live event "New Research - Research for Tomorrow" on 01.09.2022 from 17:00 to 21:00 in Frankfurt. The venue is the Metropolitan Hotel by Flemings (Poststraße 6, 60329 Frankfurt/Main).

You can expect exciting keynote speeches from science and business, a panel discussion and a get-together afterwards. There will be many opportunities for you to get actively involved and discuss with the other participants.

What you can expect on this day: 

17:00 Admission
17:15 - 17:30 Welcome address
17:30 - 18:00 Keynote address

 Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Andreas Dengel - Managing Director DFKI Kaiserslautern & Head of the Research Area Smart Data and Knowledge Services 

18:30 - 19:00 Keynote speeches

Prof. Mark Phillips - HS Coburg, Member of the Council of the Faculty of Design
Dr. Bernd Bienzeisler - Fraunhofer IAO, Head of Research and Innovation Centre Cognitive Service Systems
Petra Pieper - macom Group, Business Development Manager

19:00 - 19:30 Open panel discussion

19:30 - 21:00 Get-together and Flying Dinner

The event is free of charge. Your physical well-being will be taken care of.

We look forward to an exciting exchange with you!