Drees & Sommer uses its central position between investors, builders, architects and material manufacturers to introduce Cradle to Cradle innovations into the design, construction and operation of buildings. By using products that are compatible with a closed use cycle, but also healthier, the buildings offer excellent indoor air quality. At the same time, these buildings ensure that the value of the objects in them is maintained in the medium and long term. With this in mind, we work with the Building Material Scout (BMS), a service platform that lists healthy building products. The BMS database contains over 34,000 product references. This offer provides important information for sustainable construction.

Since 2019, Drees & Sommer and the former EPEA Internationale Umweltforschung GmbH have joined forces with the common goal of applying the circular economy principles of Cradle to Cradle design to all sectors of the economy. EPEA's knowledge of materials allows the composition of products to be optimised: from the simple molecular structure to the scale of construction modules. Cradle to Cradle is not only attractive from an environmental point of view, but also from an economic one.