· Paris, Frankreich

Re-Building Europe: Kick-off in Paris

As part of Re-Building Europe, the kick-off takes place in Paris on March 29 and 30, 2023.

With the United Nations projecting nearly 70 percent urbanization by 2050, we need to ensure that cities are places where people will not just live – but also thrive. Transportation, public and cultural institutions, open spaces, commercial enterprises, and other integral infrastructure need to be considered holistically and adapted broadly and equitably for positive, sustainable outcomes. Accordingly, tall buildings, the natural world, and the diverse range of people and communities that inhabit them need to be woven into the urban fabric like never before.

Europe's largest purpose-built business district La Défénse has changed the Parisian skyline, giving rise to the question of how the city can cope with growing urbanization while remaining livable and respecting its heritage.

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