High ROI through innovations

Innovative processes and methods such as Building Information Modeling and Lean Construction Management allow Blue Buildings to be built economically and established buildings to be upgraded both technically and structurally for the future.

Smart networking
Energy self-sufficiency
Carbon neu­tral
Flexibility of use

Stages of economic implementation: from the idea to the Blue Building

1. Analysis

New technologies and increasing globalisation are speeding up processes and changing working patterns in ever greater depth. If a company wants to be innovative and productive while remaining profitable, it is essential to optimise its work and production processes before considering a new building or the renovation of a building.

2. The Advice

Before starting the design phase itself, it is essential to define the "product" and the precise course of the project. The definition of the objectives and the specifications provide a common direction for the designers, in line with the spirit of the project manager. In addition, the execution strategy and the organisation of the project are defined.

3. The conception

For a smooth construction, it is best to rely on a precise design. Building Information Modeling (BIM) methods can optimise conventional design processes. They allow for innovations that were previously unthinkable. They lead to production-oriented design and quality objectives. The design leads to an efficient construction phase, free of major defects and therefore more profitable.

4. The construction

Even with the use of BIM methods in the design phase, a project can still go awry, with inefficient processes holding up construction. Deadlines may not be met, costs may escalate and quality targets may not be met. This is where Lean Construction comes in. By coordinating design, logistics and construction processes, the result is production-oriented construction with a predictable outcome.

5. Operation

Although operation is the longest phase of a building's life cycle, it is often underestimated and even disconnected from its design and construction. The consequences can be significant, either because the building's operating costs are higher than expected, or because the building does not perform as it should. On the other hand, operation will be profitable if the contractor combines modular construction with standardised construction for greater continuity of the product between trades and sustainable quality, especially through the use of closed material circuits.

6. Refurbishment

As a property ages, its owner is faced with a whole series of questions: what should I or can I do to keep my tenants or to attract new ones? How can I guarantee sufficient rents? If the building is for my own use, how can I increase its productivity and make it more attractive? Once a building has been constructed in accordance with the above elements, it is much easier to answer these questions. It is also much less expensive, even if it has to be dismantled.

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