Contract award strategy for hospitals and clinics

Hospital and clinic construction projects often fail because of the principal’s security requirements. At the very least, they face difficult decisions because of their desire for construction cost certainty and protection against project risks. Optimal implementation of construction projects in this respect is not least a function of the right contract award model. Our specialists identify suitable contract award strategies and support you with their implementation.

To what extent is having suitable contract award strategy for hospital projects important to you?

  • Do you require sound resource planning for an upcoming construction project?
  • Are you unsure which contract award model is most suitable for your project?
  • Do you want security from volatile construction prices and general project risks?
  • Is there a balance risk-benefit ratio between your project goals and your procurement model?
  • Are you unsure which construction partner or supplier can best implement your project?



You have to address the following points

  • Balance between risk, fee and remuneration forcontracted work
  • Coordination with the funding body
  • General contractor too costly?
  • Contract award process that is attractive to the market
  • Rigorous strategy for you as principal that is also attractive to the market


How we approach hospital contract award strategies

As a first step, our expert team members analyze the principal’s resources, know-how and abilities. They then carefully analyze the project itself and define the project goals. This is followed by a market comparison of appropriate contract award models. This can be combined with an optional market analysis with approaches to suitable contractors. We then classify the most suitable approaches for the principal as ‘Plan A’ and ‘Plan B’, and further specify these further in a detailed process, resource and services plan.




What tasks can I take on myself, and what resources are available to me?

Project goal/risk profile

Timeframe, responsibility, know-how, cost assurance, etc.

Solution Planning

Procurement plan A
Procurement plan B

Procurement Strategy

Clarity regarding impact and approach

Contract award and project start

Award contract for the appropriate scope of planning

The benefits for you

  • Positive influence on the cost risk of your project and the tasks undertaken by participants
  • Early clarity regarding your own possibilities and those of the market
  • Access to Drees & Sommer experience from more than 4,000 contract awards over the last ten years
  • Perception of being a rigorous operator in the market


