ESG stands for Environmental, Social (and Corporate) Governance. It refers to a business practice that, in addition to economic success, also strives to make improvements in these three areas. Compliance with ESG principles results in the creation of sustainability-oriented industrial and financial products.
Many regulations and instruments with specific criteria and indicators have been published in recent years that allow developments and progress in these three areas to be measured and compared. The aim is for the areas E, S and G to be seen as opportunities for creating a sustainable future so that entrepreneurial activity can be aligned accordingly. Until recently, companies have undertaken the systematic assessment of opportunities and risks based on such economic factors as their capital resources or market value. In the future, sustainability and ESG principles will also be crucial elements of such assessments.
- Increasingly, sustainability criteria are seen as an entrepreneurial duty and not simply an option.
- Keyword ‘divestment’: Investors and stakeholders evaluate their investments according to ESG criteria. Fulfillment of these criteria offers opportunities today, whereas non-fulfillment represents a future financial risk.
- Your customers and business partners expect transparency and disclosure, added to which the demand for genuinely environmentally and socially responsible products is steadily increasing.
- Buildings and infrastructure have the largest ecological footprint. From an investor’s point of view, real estate, as a long-term asset class, is particularly exposed to the risk of high loss of value – with the risk of turning into stranded assets.
- Sustainable business models will dominate the market in the medium to long term, so a sustainability strategy with clear objectives will give you a decisive competitive edge.

Numerous regulations, many of them complex and far-reaching, have emerged for different market players following the Paris Climate Agreement and Agenda 2030 (Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs). It is important to stay abreast of evolving sustainability systems to ensure that your business activity remains lawful and compliant in the future, and to meet the EU’s ESG criteria. It is also essential to manage sustainability risks and be in a position to act with suitable tools and strategies. We can support you in these areas.

The sustainability megatrend requires adapted or completely new business models. But it also opens up huge opportunities. Our future-oriented consulting undertakes a 360-degree view with you and supports you on your way to becoming a successful sustainability pioneer – with measures ranging from a Quick Check to developing and implementing an appropriate strategy and reporting.